Beware, Apple iPhone Users Track Location

Posted by Sinauw on Friday, 22 April 2011

Apple is rumored to
track and store user
location information
without the
knowledge of the
iPhone owners.

Collection of data
was easily accessible
to anyone.
Update status of that
location stored in the
iPhone and the
computer connected
to the Apple device.

The data contains
the coordinates of the location and time details. Notes in a file
"consolidated.db" was discovered by
two British software developer.
"At first, we do not
believe the amount
of data used by
iPhone users. Once
we find out more
and make the data
visualization is used,
we found a detail
that scary," said
Allan and Peter
Warden Alisdari who
previously worked
at Apple's data

Mobile network
operator turned out
to record user
activity based on the
record of their
electronic devices.
Subsequently, the
police and the
intelligence to access
the data it legally.
Interestingly, the
data stored in the
iPhone that can be
accessed by anyone,
provided that the
iPhone was
connected with
other kompuer. They
just need to have a
keyword for the
"I think this is
something that
should be known by
all users. That
feature should be
activated only after
obtaining explicit
user consent," said
senior researcher at
the Oxford Internet
Institute, Dr. Ian