Look Display Interface of Windows 8

Posted by Sinauw on Thursday, 2 June 2011

Windows 8

Sinauw, Microsoft meet its promise to
demonstrate the
Windows operating
system 8
. So like what most brand- new OS view of the
software giant?
By Microsoft, the
user interface of
Windows 8 is to
cover the gap
conventional PC
users, with more
user-based tablets
on the touch screen.
The company is
clearly aiming to
make the new OS
into a friendly touch
screen, by
presenting a large
button on each
Launched by Tech
Report, Thursday
(5/2/2011), pull this
video also reveals
that the developer
would get the
Windows code 8 to
run applications
using HTML5 and
JavaScript. It will
blur the distinction
between local
software and web
It also userinterface
Windows 8, also
featuring the Metro
design used on
Windows Phone. The
user interface
displays the hours
and days, including
the iconic power
management and
ease of access to
Unfortunately there
is no further details
about Windows 8,
which indeed is
merely a demo
video. Includes when
the final version will
be released soon,
although there may
be presented in 2012
by Microsoft.