Russian Space Plane drowned in the Pacific

Posted by Sinauw on Monday, 25 April 2011

AIRCRAFT goods owned by Russia's space, Progress M-09M, will be separated from the International Space Station (ISS) on Friday (22 / 4). Pesawat itu akan ditenggelamkan di Pasifik setelah melakukan program ilmiah selama lima hari. The plane will be drowned in the Pacific after a five-day scientific program.

"Penenggelaman tersebut dijadwalkan pada Jumat pukul 15.41 waktu Moskwa," "Sinking is scheduled on Friday at 15:41 Moscow time,"
kata juru bicara kendali misi di Moskwa, Jumat (22/4). mission control spokesman in Moscow, Friday (22 / 4).

Selama penerbangannya, para ilmuwan melanjutkan percobaan Radar-Progress yang bertujuan untuk menentukan ketebalan, ukuran dan daya pantul lingkungan ionosfer di sekitar pesawat yang disebabkan oleh pengoperasian mesin berbahan bakar cair milik pesawat. During the flight, the scientists went on Radar-Progress experiment aimed to determine the thickness, size and power environment reflective ionosphere in the vicinity of the aircraft caused by the operation of liquid-fueled engine-owned aircraft.

Pesawat akan terbakar di atmosfer bumi segera setelah percobaan berakhir dan beberapa potongan pesawat akan jatuh di kawasan terpencil di Samudera Pasifik. The aircraft will burn in Earth's atmosphere immediately after the trial ends and a few pieces of the plane will fall in remote areas in the Pacific Ocean.

Serangkaian pesawat barang antariksa Progress telah menjadi penyokong armada pemuat barang antariksa Rusia. A series of space-Progress cargo plane has been a proponent of goods loader Russian space fleet. Sebagai tambahan atas misi utamanya menjadi pesawat barang antariksa, mereka juga pernah digunakan untuk menyesuaikan orbit ISS dan melakukan sejumlah percobaan. In addition to its primary mission into space cargo plane, they have also been used to adjust the orbit of the ISS and perform a number of experiments.