Google's "Clean" Search Results from Site "Ghosts"

Posted by Sinauw on Friday, 11 March 2011

Google aware of the
many sites
'ghost' (an unwanted
presence) in the
search engine. They
also started to clean
it up.
"Now there will be a
way to find sites
that you really want
in the Google search
results, that is by
blocking sites that do
not want to see,"
says the Google staff
who dealt with the
quality of search
results, Amay
Champaneria and
Beverly Yang, as
quoted by Straits
Times, Friday
According to the
second explanation
of these staff,
internet users who
use search engines
have the option to
tell Google which
sites do not want to
appear on a
subsequent search.

"Maybe the results
will not always
correct but
sometimes do not
taste like it comes
from a common,
either because the
site is considered too
pornographic, or
have poor quality,"
said Champaneria.

"For the time being
we allow you to
make certain domain
block from the
search results in the
future," added Yang.
Therefore, Google
has added a button
'block' to the options
listed with links of
search results.

Blocked Domains is
associated with a
Google account user.
The next search will
produce sites that do
not want to display a
message indicating
they had been

"We added this
feature because we
believe in giving you
control over the
results you find will
provide a more
experience and fun
at Google, 'they said.